Thanksgiving Hacks

#MomHacks: Thanksgiving Hacks to Save the Day!

We all know that the hardest job you can have is being a mom! The days are definitely long and the years are astonishingly short and some days you might feel like you’re going through the struggles alone. But, we are here! To share in the good, the bad, and the moments when all you

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Thanksgiving Place Cards

Gather Round: DIY Thanksgiving Place Cards

Thanksgiving is coming up and you know what that means... all the family is in town. You need to keep Uncle John away from Aunt Lisa (because they are still in a fight from summer vacation), and your two sons can't sit next to each other or else the mashed potatoes will start flying. Not

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DIY Thanksgiving Cards

Make These Easy DIY Thanksgiving Cards With Your Kiddos!

Help your kiddos express their thankfulness this year with these super cute and easy DIY Thanksgiving cards. You can send them in the mail or hand deliver them to your friends and family! FOR THE "GOBBLE, GOBBLE!" CARD: Cut a 4x6 inch rectangle out of any fall-colored construction paper to make the card base. Then,

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child's growth

Understand Your Child’s Growth Pattern, One Inch at a Time

Once your child is born, the one thing every parent is first concerned about is their baby’s rate of growth. Pediatricians use a growth chart comparing a child’s height and weight statistics to other children, creating a percentile number for each figure. For example, if your child is on the 60th percentile for weight and

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Manatee Season Kickoff

As we enter Manatee Awareness month and anticipate the return of Florida’s gentle marine giants, join Manatee Lagoon Saturday, Nov. 16, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. to celebrate the annual Manatee Season Kickoff, a free event that’s fun for the whole family. Participate in a variety of free games and activities as our environmental

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Managing Parenting Differences

“But Mommy said I could!” Managing Parenting Differences

Take a look around your neighborhood, playground or child’s school, and you will see a variety of parenting styles. The “helicopter” parent who monitors every step the child makes, not only knows the names of her friends, but also her friends’ parents, and makes sure the child stays fed and hydrated every hour on the

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too much sugar

Learn the Dangers of Too Much Sugar

It’s an easy trap to fall into. Candy as treats when potty training, going out for ice cream as a reward for good grades, hot chocolate after school on cold days. Sugary foods are quick and easy to utilize when we want to feel good or give a special prize, plus they taste good and

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DIY fall wreaths

DIY Fall Wreaths to Get Your House Ready For Autumn!

Fall is here and it's time to get your house ready to welcome in the new season. The end of summer and beginning of fall is the perfect time to hunt for interesting and unique wreath components. Gorgeous natural pieces can be found in your yard, in the woods or anywhere around you! An Easy

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Mealtime With Picky Eaters

Make Mealtime With Picky Eaters a Little Easier

When we start our families, we imagine dinnertime being a relaxing experience with pleasant conversation. If you are the parent of a picky eater, though, it is anything but. In the book “Helping Your Child with Extreme Picky Eating,” authors Katja Rowell and Jenny McGlothlin empathize with such families. In fact, they note that 10

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