Beth Clifford is our most recent Featured Teacher! Clifford works at Queen of Peace Catholic Academy teaching 3rd-grade English, reading, spelling, math, faith, science and social studies. This is her ninth year teaching at Queen of Peace, but her first year teaching through a world-wide pandemic. Read on to learn more about Beth Clifford! AT
USDA Announces Ground Beef Recall For E. Coli Contamination
The USDA announced a ground beef recall on June 13 due to a possible E. coli contamination of about 42,922 pounds of ground beef distributed nation-wide. The ground beef has been recalled. This recalled ground beef was processed and packaged on June 1, and the following products are subject to recall, according to the USDA:
City Commissioners Vote to Stop Funding For School Resource Officers
Yesterday, June 11, in a city commission meeting, Gainesville commissioners voted to cut city funding of school resource officers. The motion was approved with a 4 to 3 vote. This is not to say that school resource officers will completely disappear, but instead, it will now be up to the Alachua County School District to
Sign Up For Giggle Magazine’s MVP Club!
Giggle Magazine’s MVP Club is NOW open to all parents in Alachua County! Why do the kids get all the perks? The MVP (most valuable parent) Club is full of benefits and highlights just for you, the parents! By signing up, you will receive: * Giggle Magazine STRAIGHT to your mailbox, FREE! * An exclusive MVP
Gov. DeSantis Announced A Plan to Reopen Schools in the Fall
Today, June 11, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced a plan to reopen Florida K-12 schools in the fall. Without disclosing specific information about when schools will officially reopen, the governor and his colleges talked about the general plan for reopening educational facilities in the fall to full capacity and what safety measures should be taken.
How to Talk to Your Kids About Cyberbullying
Most parents of tweens and teenagers will inevitably have to navigate the wars of social media. Over the last decade there has been a significant increase in technology and social media apps in our day-to-day lives. As we have seen through recent current events, social media can be used for good to unite people together
Look At a Day In The Quarantined Life of Local Mom, April Tisher
April Tisher is a mom to three kids in the house (ages 9, 13 & 15) plus a hubby working from home. Find out what a day in the quarantined life of April looks like! MORNING 7:30 a.m. ➜ Wake up call from the dogs wanting to be fed – this is one of the
Encourage Your Teen To Register For the 2020 Battle of the Books!
The Alachua County Library District will have its annual Battle of the Books online in July, and teens can register now to compete! Also, teens who register now can receive free copies of this year’s books while supplies last. Teens ages 11 to 17 can click here to register and select which branch they would
Want to Find Open Parks Near Me in Gainesville? Here Is A Complete List!
With the state's start on Phase 2 of the reopening process, it is important to know what is open and what isn't. Luckily, many open-air facilities like parks have reopened! Here is a complete list of open parks in the city of Gainesville that you can take your family to! All of this information can
Help Your Kiddos Practice Math With Playing Cards
Now that the summer is here, it is important that your kiddo doesn't fall into the "summer slide." The summer slide refers to the period of time during the summer when many students experience learning loss or loose valuable knowledge that they learned in the year before. This slide could become worse with COVID-19 being