taking a shower

Have You Been Taking A Shower The Wrong Way?

Some daily tasks we feel as though we have mastered — making just the right cup of coffee, cleaning the car from top to bottom, even separating all the laundry is the most ideal way! But there’s one thing you’ve been doing wrong — taking a shower. That’s right. It seems as though many Americans

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not-too-late show

Elmo Hosts ‘The Not-Too-Late Show’ for Kiddos on HBO Max

Summer is almost here, which could mean adjusted bedtime hours for some and staying up a little later. If you want to give your kiddos some nighttime laughs, let them tune in to "The Not-Too-Late Show" by Sesame Street! This talk show will stream on HBO Max on May 27, along with other Sesame Street

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Is a Homeschool Co-op Right for Your Family?

Socialization is widely considered to be a concern for families as they start home schooling. Alachua County and the surrounding areas are blessed to have an incredible level of support for home schooling, one that many other districts in Florida do not share. Without a doubt, the best source of socialization and support comes from

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If You Want Chaperone Please Sign Here

Your child’s class is going to the museum and they need chaperones. Are you going to volunteer? Are there specific requirements you must meet? Does your child want you to come along? The answer is yes, on all accounts. Spending some time with your child’s class on a field trip gives you the unique opportunity

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