Leftover Halloween Candy

15 Ways to Use Leftover Halloween Candy!

When you have three kids, multiple Halloween parties to attend and an all-nighter filled with trick-or-treating, the piles of sweet treats do just that. Pile up! So, after I do my duty of safety checking and separating the piles of 'you eat that,' 'I eat this,' and our sweet tooth’s have been satisfied until next

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5 Ways to Use Leftover Easter Eggs

If you’ve found all the eggs the Easter Bunny hid for your family, you’re probably wondering what to do with the leftovers. A person can only eat so many plain hard-boiled eggs, and the Easter Bunny isn’t going to hop over to collect the ones that haven’t been eaten yet. So, what are some ways

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6 Creative Ideas for Leftover Pumpkins

Have a pumpkin or carved jack-o-lantern leftover from Halloween? Try these tips instead of throwing it away! According to Our Gardening Diary, of the 2.5 billion pumpkins produced annually, only about one-fifth gets reused after Halloween. The other 80% end up in landfills, which creates methane gas that can harm the environment. This year, don't

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#MomHacks: Let’s Play Halloween Candy Hide and Not Seek!

Trick-or-treating is a favorite annual activity for many children. Dressing up in costume and going door-to-door asking for treats is fun and entertaining. At the end of the night, the candy bounty is heavy and the kids want to eat every last piece! We asked local parents how they help their children enjoy the candy

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