white vinegar

Natural Cleaning With White Vinegar

Are you sick of that nasty carpet stain in the living room? Has your china lost its shine? Are you fed up with the mildew that has been accumulating between the tiles on your bathroom walls? Finding it impossible to remove the water stains from your shower doors? Cleaning with white vinegar can fix all

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Mom Should Do For Herself

8 Things Every Mom Should Do For Herself

Let’s face it, being a mom can be really tough for a number of reasons. We spend so much time taking care of our significant others, kids and pets that we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves. Moms need to get away and splurge on themselves every now and then. Here are the eight

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unmotivated student

How to Motivate the Unmotivated Homeschool Student

Let’s be honest. We all have days when we just want to stay in bed all day. The last thing we want to do is get up, make sure everyone gets their schoolwork done, and go to co-op, music lessons and sports practices. But we do it anyway because we’re responsible adults, right? If we

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Waste Not, Want Not: Composting Your Way to a Happier Garden

Every day the average person generates 4.3 pounds of waste, according to the Duke University Center for Sustainability and Commerce. And of those 4.3 pounds, about 65 percent is made up of food scraps and yard waste — items that can instead be given new life in your garden through composting! Benefits of compost Aside

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Bird Feeders

DIY Bird Feeders to Make At Home!

Living in Florida has many advantages, one of which is that there is an abundance of wildlife right outside your door, like lizards, squirrels, deer and a variety of birds. You can get an even closer look at the house finches, eastern towhees and common starlings flying around your neighborhood by making DIY bird feeders

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Tips on Laundry

So Fresh and So Clean: Fun Facts and Tips For Laundry

Laundry is a chore that you can teach to children as young as preschool age! We have fun facts and tips for laundry that you can use with your kiddos! Explain to all kids this five-step method (Chuck, Clean, Dry, Fold and Put Away). You can even make it a fun song for your kids

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Teen Driving

Teen Driving: What To Know and How to Help

When it comes to teen driving, it can be overwhelming to get behind the wheel for the first time. It can also be extremely risky. The best thing for a new driver is to feel comfortable, knowledgeable and prepared, and it is your role as the parent to get your teen ready, whether you teach

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5 Fun Facts about Our Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie!

Warm chocolate chip cookies seem to make everything in a child’s life better! (and for some adults, too). Tests, breakups, bad days at school... everything melts away at first bite of that soft ooey-gooey cookie. We dive into America’s favorite cookie and take a look at what makes it so sweet and special!   What

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DIY bookmarks

Use Nature to Make These DIY Bookmarks!

Crafting with nature is a great way to repurpose some of nature's beauty! Use some things that you find outside to make these DIY Bookmarks with your kiddos. DIY Bookmarks Supplies: Ruff-age like leaves, flowers and ferns  Large book  Parchment paper  Thick cardstock  Scissors Craft glue Mod Podge or Contact paper String or Ribbon Instructions:  To

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What Do You Do If Your Teen Has Senioritis?

Time sure does fly! Now that the holidays are over, it is hard to believe that in a few short months high school graduations will be here. Soon parents will be watching their child walk down the aisle at graduation and begin the next stage of his life. I know for parents, it probably seems

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