Do you have a bunch of extra Halloween candy laying around after the past weekend's festivities? Don't throw it out! Take it to Kids Only Dental to participate in the annual Candy Buy Back program! You and your family can turn in your bags of candy and get $1 per pound (up to 5 pounds).
Seafood Dishes That Are Kid & Mom Approved
Seafood is a superfood! It is packed with nutrients and healthy fats, like the omega-3 you can find in salmon, that keep you full all day long, and it is a great source of energy for your little rascals. However, sometimes it seems impossible to serve seafood to your children without them turning up their
Parents vs. Grandparents: When Parenting Practices Collide
You’ve done it. You’ve become an adult, had kids of your own and are now attempting to parent them. Undoubtedly you’ve cherry picked parenting methods from a variety of sources and are now settled on how you will navigate your babes from infancy through college. All is well until you find yourself at odds with
What to Do When Your Homeschooler Struggles With a Subject
I vividly remember my junior year of high school. I was taking physics. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t seem to get it. I studied. I met with my teacher. I did everything right, but I still struggled with that class. I know I’m not alone. You probably have a subject like
How to Deal With Your Child’s Potty Accidents at School or Daycare
As parents, we all know the day is coming. The day when we have to send our little one off to preschool, full potty trained. The clock is ticking, the diapers are dwindling and the struggle is hard. Children work on their own time frame, we know that, and the age by which a child
Make Potty Training a Breeze With These Tips
When my boys started to show signs of being ready to be potty trained, we did what every parent of little boys did. We let them run around diaper-less in the fenced-in backyard and let them just go! They were amazed to see what happened when they had to go! “Wow... look at that mommy!”
Smooth Sailing: Treating Your Child’s Constipation
Constipation is a common health condition, and children are not immune. According to the BMJ journal, it is one of the top 10 common problems that pediatricians see in their office, and up to 8 percent of American children are chronically constipated. We have some tips to help with your child's constipation. Common signs of
D.I.Y. Birthday Party Piñata!
Your kiddo's birthday is right around the corner, and this year he or she has requested a VERY specific theme for the party. You've searched for hours on the internet and in stores for a piñata that even comes close to the theme, but have had zero luck. Well, have no fear! Roll those sleeves
Bug Off! Finding the Right Insect Repellent for Your Family
In Florida, we don’t ever have a season that is truly bug free, however, we do have times that are buggier than others. Mosquitoes and ticks are the most popular annoyances, but we are also home to flies, ants, bees and chiggers to name a few. Besides being a nuisance, they can also carry diseases,
How To Make a Campsite in Your Living Room
Does all this rain have you and the kiddos stuck inside? Bring the fun of the outdoors inside with sleeping bags, flashlights, campfire stories and s'mores! Making a campsite in your living room is super easy and is sure to make everyone forget about the craziness of the outside world at least for a night.