giggle magazine

15 Tips for Moms to Relax and Refocus

As modern mothers, we tend to hold ourselves to some impossible standards. If we had a touch of perfectionism before having a child, it can rear its head with a vengeance after we have a tiny human to raise, and our children have the propensity to set us off like no one else. Here are

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Parker Family

#BossMom: Meet Heather Parker

Meet Heather Parker, Mom to: James (16) and Cameron (13) Wife to James “Robbie” Parker Where do you work and what do you do? Tell us a bit about it. What are some of your goals with it? I am the Executive Director for the Tyler’s Hope for a Dystonia Cure Foundation. Our mission is to advance

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Mom life

11 #Momlife Tweets That Are So Relatable Right Now

#MomLife is always crazy... but with the coronavirus disrupting everything around us, we have reached a new level of crazy! Here are some #MomLife tweets from moms that are going through the same thing you are. We are all in this together! 1. I guess we are homeschool teachers now? The #homeschool student satisfaction survey

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