Busy Mom Fitness: A 25-Minute Routine for Busy Moms

Parenting is a full-time job. Regardless of whether you spend your days chasing children or sitting behind a desk, life is busy. It can be easy to put your own health on hold while taking care of others. However, maintaining a fitness routine can provide strength, stress relief, health benefits and a chance to do something

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Instructions for Your Babysitter

Top 10 Must-Have Instructions for Your Babysitter

Every parent knows a good babysitter is hard to find. We’ve compiled a list of must-have instructions for your babysitter to ensure a good experience for everyone. Top 10 Babysitter Instructions 1. Give the babysitter your cell phone numbers and tell her if she should call or text. Also provide an emergency contact name and

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Adult Acne

How to Break Out of Adult Acne

Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought your teenage self must be looking back at you? You can thank adult acne for that. Unfortunately, acne, an inflammatory skin condition, is not just for kids! And even if you did not experience the teenage angst of a breakout, according to the American Academy of

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banana smoothies

3 Banana Smoothies Your Kiddos Will Love

Do you have a kiddo who absolutely refuses to eat their veggies? Have you tried everything in the book to make them tolerate the taste? Well, don’t fret! Try our three banana smoothies with a hidden veggie that your kids are sure to love! They’re easy, fruity and delicious!   Green Machine Smoothie 1 ripe

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Hot Car Fatalities

Keep Your Family Safe from Hot Car Fatalities

It is something we hear on the news, but none of us ever imagine that it could happen to our own families. Although many of us think we would never make this fatal mistake, a simple change in routine or a distracted mind are often the most common culprits in hot car fatalities. Because no

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Mom Should Do For Herself

8 Things Every Mom Should Do For Herself

Let’s face it, being a mom can be really tough for a number of reasons. We spend so much time taking care of our significant others, kids and pets that we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves. Moms need to get away and splurge on themselves every now and then. Here are the eight

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Leftover Halloween Candy

15 Ways to Use Leftover Halloween Candy!

When you have three kids, multiple Halloween parties to attend and an all-nighter filled with trick-or-treating, the piles of sweet treats do just that. Pile up! So, after I do my duty of safety checking and separating the piles of 'you eat that,' 'I eat this,' and our sweet tooth’s have been satisfied until next

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Giveaway Alert! Oak and Reed Fitness Products

⭐Giveaway Alert⭐⁠ As parents, we have to remember to take some time to take care of ourselves so we are here to announce a giveaway that will make taking time for yourself that much easier. ⁠ ⁠ This is a 4 piece giveaway of Oak and Reed products valued at $78. Products included are a

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#BossMom: Meet Karen Miner

Meet Karen Miner, Mom to Anabel (9), Madex (7) & Finn (4) Where do you work and what do you do? Tell us a bit about it. What are some of your goals?  I own the Gainesville franchise of Just Between Friends. JBF is a pop-up community marketplace for absolutely everything “Baby & Kid.” We

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