He is billed as a jolly ole’ guy that kids adore. He arrives once a year in his sleigh full of presents to deliver to children all over the world. Children whisper their Christmas wishes to him and we take thousands of photos with him. Santa Claus is one of the staples of Christmas traditions.
Get Extra Money For The Holidays by Turning Trash Into Treasure
It’s that time of year again. Christmas trees and sparkly decorations are filling up the display windows of every store (even though November just started), and you’re trying to figure out how on earth Santa is going to pay for all those presents that make your kiddo’s heart pitter patter in December. Before turning to
Download Giggle’s FREE Letter To Santa Printable!
It’s time for your kiddos to tell Santa what they want for Christmas this year! To make it easy, we have created a free Letter to Santa printable that you can download and print out for your little ones to fill out. When your kiddos have finished their list, have them fold it and put
Health Trends: Try Food Journaling
Food journaling is a relatively new trend that is used in health circles. Many people associate food journaling with weight loss or exercise, and while that is a main use for it, it also has other purposes. Here are some reasons why you should try food journaling! Food journaling is the process of keeping a
5 Ways to Use Leftover Turkey This Week
There’s only one thing better than all that delicious food on thanksgiving day – leftovers the next day! There’s just something about that turkey sandwich that’s yummier than the turkey sandwiches we eat the rest of the year. But even the best sandwich only satisfies us for a day or two. Then our palate craves
3 Activities to Teach Your Little Ones Thankfulness!
As parents we want to set a good example for our kids. Of course, we want our children to be good people that help others, treat everyone with respect and contribute to society year-round. But the holiday season lends so many opportunities to show our little ones the importance of thankfulness and what it means
DIY Winter Decor From Old Sweaters!
Winter is almost here, and we all know what that means... sweater weather! As you pull out your winter clothes, you'll find those sweaters with rips, pulls and stains you couldn't bear to throw away last year. Don't throw those away just yet! Repurpose them to make DIY winter decor from old sweaters! Don't have
Gestational Diabetes: What It Means For Mom and Baby
It’s difficult enough being pregnant without being afflicted by another major health condition like gestational diabetes. How is gestational diabetes the same or different from regular diabetes? Gestational diabetes is diagnosed only during pregnancy; however, it affects the body in the same way by altering how a woman’s body processes sugar and produces enough insulin.
What Type of Parent Are You?
Illustrations by Anibal Rodriguez and Megan Sapelak Researchers have identified four primary parenting styles that classify most parents and the way they raise their children. While there is no perfect parent, researchers have also uncovered certain long-term traits of children associated with each parenting style. Most parents will identify most strongly with one archetype but you
8 Sew-Free Halloween Costumes!
Have you always wanted to make your kiddo's Halloween costume but the thought of having to sew it together stopped you in your tracks? Have no fear! We have your Sew-Free Halloween costumes here! These simple and fun costumes can be made from items out of your craft closet, old clothes and some creativity... oh