Eating Around the World

New Birthday Traditions: Eating Around the World

Everyone had to get creative this year when it came to quarantined birthday celebrations. In my house, we obviously didn’t feel like it would be safe to party with people outside of our household, so what did we do? We started an Around the World Birthday Dinner tradition! Every time a birthday came along in

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long lasting lashes

Lash Logistics: Make a Statement With Long Lasting Lashes!

With those newest accessories we have been adorning, aka masks, much of our face is covered throughout the day – except for our eyes. So, it’s time to make them pop and have those long lasting lashes on point at all times! FALSE LASH 411 From Kara Winslow, Make Up Artist Applying your own false

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Should You Censor What Your Tween is Reading?

It’s a miracle! Your child has traded in his video games for an old-fashioned book, filled with pages of words that will transport him into a world of endless adventures. It’s often stressed that reading to your child is important for his development, and it is exciting to witness his desire to read on his

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Radio Frequency Radiation

How Do You Keep Your Kids Safe From Radio Frequency Radiation?

When wireless devices like cell phones and tablets made their debut, we all knew that they would change the way that we communicate. Nowadays, they are almost a necessity if you want to stay fully connected in such a fast-paced world like ours. However, wireless devices aren’t just used for communication anymore, they are used

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talia felicia

A Day In the Life of: Talia Felicia

Talia Felicia is a Chief Possibilities Officer (A.K.A. Event Professional), Graphic Designer and Adjunct Professor at the world’s greatest post-secondary institution (Go Gators!). She has been married to her husband Danny for 19 years and is a mom to Gabriel (15), Noah-Danielle (10) and Liam-Bailey (7). MORNING 3:45 - 4:30 a.m. For some reason, a

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Internet Challenges

How to Monitor Your Tween and Internet Challenges

As a parent of tweens navigating uncharted waters with social media and the internet, new trends have appeared that make your job even more difficult. Most of us have heard of the Ice Bucket Challenge that raised money for ALS research. Yet there have been a number of social media or internet challenges posed by

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Preparing Your Will

Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way: Preparing Your Will

I was 25 years old when I had my first baby, who is now sitting next to me working on kindergarten math problems while my toddler sleeps. Prior to having kids, I never fully understood the absolute joy and crushing responsibility of being a parent. As my kids’ primary caregiver, kisser of boo boos and

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Meet Sarah Beck, a Local #BossMom!

As a mom, you quite literally do it all! Between working and making sure your kiddo gets to school with a matching pair of shoes, it proves to be the toughest job anyone could do. Sarah Beck, a Specialty Care Representative, is one of our Giggle Moms, and she has shared with us what makes

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Citizens’ Oversight Committee

ACPS Citizens’ Oversight Committee Seat Opening

Alachua County Public Schools (ACPS) is taking applications for an open seat on the citizens' Oversight Committee that reviews expenditures and revenues raised through the Half-Cent for School sales tax initiative. "Under the committee bylaws, two additional members are to be chosen from among local citizens who apply for the at-large seats," according to an

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test negative for COVID-19

All Incoming US Travelers Must Test Negative for COVID-19

As reported by ABC News yesterday, there is a new traveling rule regarding COVID-19. All travelers coming into the US must test negative for COVID-19. Travelers will have to provide a negative COVID-19 test that was taken no more than three days before traveling. If travelers fail to do this, they will be denied boarding.

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