Admitting when you are wrong and asking for forgiveness is difficult for some adults. Imagine being a kid and trying to understand these concepts. Young children act and react impulsively, sometimes leading them to insult or hit someone else, and often they don’t even realize that they did anything wrong. It's up to you to
ACPS Will Host Open Houses Online This Year Due To COVID-19
Because of COVID-19, Alachua County Public Schools is taking caution by hosting all open houses online this year. This is due to the inability to host large groups. All open house meetings will take place via Zoom online and livestreamed to the ACPS's YouTube channel. The Zoom links to the webinares will be posted closer
Keep Your Christmas Lights Up for #LightsUp4Heroes
North Florida Regional Medical Center and HCA Healthcare are encouraging the community to keep their Christmas lights up until the end of January to show support for #HealthcareHeroes! Participating in #LightsUpForHeroes will show your appreciation for those fighting on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic that shaped our 2020. "Holiday lights provide an emotional
Find Out How to Celebrate New Year’s in Gainesville!
As we count down to the new year, we know that we are all ready to send 2020 off with a BANG! A bang from fireworks of course! Even though gathering in large crowds won't happen this year, there are still some safe and virtual options to celebrate New Year's in Gainesville! 2021 Virtual
Part of the Ichetucknee River Will Be Off-Limits This Spring
Come May 2021, the upper portion of the Ichetucknee River that runs through Ichetucknee Springs State Park will be off-limits to tubers due to loss of underwater vegetation. Because of this change, more tubers will be allowed to occupy the lower portion of the river in the park. The upper portion of the river will
Simple and Fun “Elf on the Shelf” Ideas
Have you been running out of ideas for your our family "Elf on the Shelf"? Now that Christmas is a week away, your elf is on the home stretch! Here are some different places your naughty (or nice) elf can be!!! Elf is in an arrival box with a letter from Santa Elf makes an
School Board Approves New Interim Superintendent for ACPS
Alachua County Public Schools announced that the School Board approved the contract for Dr. Carlee Simon as the Interim Superintendent for ACPS. Look below to learn more about Dr. Simon! Dr. Carlee Simon (pictured above) is the prospective interim superintendent for Alachua County Public Schools (ACPS), chosen by the school board. There was a special
Simplify Your Holiday Breakfast With These Tips!
Try these simple holiday breakfast set-ups to avoid craziness in the kitchen and allow more time for Christmas cuddles! Make your ordinary breakfast into a festive feast! Use Christmas cookie cutters to pour in pancake batter prepared the day before for a quick and cheerful pancake plate. Put a twist on your holiday tradition by
Watch the ‘Great Conjunction’ of Jupiter and Saturn Next Week!
As if 2020 couldn't get any more interesting, a space phenomenon that hasn’t happened in almost 400 years is set to take place next week! The ‘great conjunction’ of Jupiter and Saturn will happen on the start of the winter solstice, December 21. “This year, the solstice happens to converge with a ‘great conjunction’ that some
Make DIY Sippin’ Snowmen Mugs!
If you are staying in Florida for the holidays, you won't be seeing the snow fall, but you can always craft it. Make these DIY Sippin' Snowmen Mugs this season! Sippin' Snowmen Mugs SUPPLIES White mugs Oil based sharpies (black & orange) INSTRUCTIONS Step 1: Draw your snowmen and snow-women with the oil based markers.