Common Pregnancy Myths

Myth Busters: Debunking Common Pregnancy Myths

All moms-to-be are bound to be exposed to common pregnancy myths that are just that — myths! While some tips and facts ring true, others are old wives’ tales that can lead to worry and cause panic for no valid reason at all. It is important that pregnant women do everything they can to ensure

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Instructions for Your Babysitter

Top 10 Must-Have Instructions for Your Babysitter

Every parent knows a good babysitter is hard to find. We’ve compiled a list of must-have instructions for your babysitter to ensure a good experience for everyone. Top 10 Babysitter Instructions 1. Give the babysitter your cell phone numbers and tell her if she should call or text. Also provide an emergency contact name and

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supervised bathing

When Can Supervised Bathing Go Down the Drain?

Bathing is a self-care skill that all children need to learn. It is not as simple as telling them to wash behind their ears and calling it a day, as water safety is a big issue. How do we teach our kids to bathe themselves? And once they have learned to wash themselves properly, at

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Vitamin C Products

7 Vitamin C Products for Happy and Glowing Skin

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, “normal skin contains high concentrations of vitamin C, which supports important and well-known functions, stimulating collagen synthesis and assisting in antioxidant protection against UV-induced photo damage.” As you age and through exposure to external forces like smoking and the sun, your levels of vitamin C in your

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Fun Summer Reads For All Ages

As a parent, you don’t want your kids to be bored over summer break. You also don’t want their boredom to lead to reading loss, which can happen when your child does not read for a few months. To help encourage your kids to read over their vacation, I’ve compiled a list of fun summer

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child sleeping enough

Is My Child Sleeping Enough?

Whether you are an infant, adult or senior, sleep is an essential part of living. Sleeping allows a person’s body to recuperate from the stress and exhaustion of the prior day. A good way of viewing sleep is like a period at the end of a very long sentence. However, the question is, how much

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perfect beach day

Tips for the Perfect Family Beach Day

Who doesn’t love the sand in their toes, the sun on their face and the smell of the fresh salty air? Whether you are going to the beach for a day or for a week, there are some things you need to know to make your beach trip a success! We have some fun tips

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Preparing Your Family for Hurricane Season

Preparing your family for hurricane season is here! Florida hurricane season runs from June 1 through the end of November, with the high season occurring in August and September. Before the Storm Bill Quinlan, a meteorologist on WCJB TV20’s weather team, insists that although North Central Florida may not see a lot of hurricane action,

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free meals for kids in alachua county

ACPS Starts the Free Summer Meals Program Next Week

Alachua County Public Schools will be providing meals to families over the summer now that school is officially out with the Free Summer Meals program. Beginning June 3 and continuing through the summer until July 26, the district’s free grab and go meals distribution will be available, according to the Alachua County Public Schools Food

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