
What’s So Fun About Being A Parent?

You always hear the horrors about being a parent: the sleepless nights, the mess everywhere, the smells. Seems like a battle cooking what your kid likes, arguing with them to get in the shower or go to bed and not having one moment to yourself – unless you manage to get a break and go

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5 Entertaining Activities for Bored Kids

Every mama needs a list of the top 5 entertaining activities for kids so they never should the dreaded “I’m bored!” I do at least two or three of the below activities a week (mama does need a chill day) with my girls and they always have a good time! Zoo My girls love the

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Type 1 Diabetes

Our Life With Type 1 Diabetes: Surviving the First Year

Conor, one of our sons, was 9 years old when he was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes (T1D), an autoimmune disease that leaves patients unable to regulate their blood sugar levels without giving themselves tightly controlled doses of insulin. Looking back at the weeks prior to his diagnosis, we had noticed some changes in his

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