whipped coffee

Make Whipped Coffee, the Latest Internet Trend!

If you have spent any time on Tik Tok recently, whether it be your account or your kiddo's, you might have seen a new coffee trend that is taking over the internet. It's calling whipped coffee, and it might be the best thing since sliced bread. This drink, while new to us, has actually been

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4 DIY Summer Crafts to Keep You and The Kiddos Entertained

Now that the school year is over  it's time for some summer fun! Instead of turning to the TV to keep your kiddos entertained, break out the craft supplies and get creative! Here are 4 DIY summer crafts you and your kiddos will love! DIY S'mores Pot... If you’re feeling hungry If you are having an

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Shark Tales: Distinguishing Facts from Fiction

Sharks have a bad reputation. Blame their rows of sharp teeth or the images we’ve been fed through movies like “Jaws.” But they’re not all bad, and they’re completely necessary for the ocean environment. George Burgess, a shark biologist and director of the Florida Program for Shark Research at the University of Florida, expels some

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summer cocktails

4 Summer Cocktails to Soak Up the Sun!

Summer will officially be here this Saturday on June 20! Get ready for a sunny weekend by learning how to make these four summer cocktails. Perfect for a relaxing day by the pool! Frozen Mojito Ingredients: 1⁄2 cup white rum 1⁄4 cup lime juice 10 mint leaves 1⁄4 cup club soda 1⁄2 tablespoons simple syrup

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swimmers ear

Tips for Treating Swimmer’s Ear

You know that annoying moment when you’re having a fun day at the pool and you jump out only to find that you have water stuck in your ear? You awkwardly shake your head around and whack your ear from the other side to get the water out, but no luck. Not only can the

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5 Ways to Eat More Strawberries!

Summertime is almost here, and with that means peak strawberry season! You have waited all year for these delicious berries to be readily available at the grocery store, and now that they are here, you have got to take advantage. Whether you are looking to add strawberries to your next meal, a quick snack or

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white vinegar

Natural Cleaning With White Vinegar

Are you sick of that nasty carpet stain in the living room? Has your china lost its shine? Are you fed up with the mildew that has been accumulating between the tiles on your bathroom walls? Finding it impossible to remove the water stains from your shower doors? Cleaning with white vinegar can fix all

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Mom Should Do For Herself

8 Things Every Mom Should Do For Herself

Let’s face it, being a mom can be really tough for a number of reasons. We spend so much time taking care of our significant others, kids and pets that we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves. Moms need to get away and splurge on themselves every now and then. Here are the eight

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