The Florida Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday began June 1 and will continue through June 14. In order to supply some relief for Floridians as we approach hurricane season, this holiday was created to provide a small discount on items you can buy to prepare for Florida’s hurricane season which started June 1. It is
Preparing Your Family for Hurricane Season
Preparing your family for hurricane season is here! Florida hurricane season runs from June 1 through the end of November, with the high season occurring in August and September. Before the Storm Bill Quinlan, a meteorologist on WCJB TV20’s weather team, insists that although North Central Florida may not see a lot of hurricane action,
Sidewalk Chalk: Creativity Without The Mess!
Sidewalk chalk! The ultimate crafting medium that isn't super messy and can wash off of ~pretty much~ anything! Here are some crafts that involve sidewalk chalk to keep your kiddos busy if they are bored from all this social distancing! Gather Your Supplies! Glitter Sidewalk Chalk Colorations Sidewalk Chalk Crayola Washable Chalk Draw Yourself Challenge
ACPS Starts the Free Summer Meals Program Next Week
Alachua County Public Schools will be providing meals to families over the summer now that school is officially out with the Free Summer Meals program. Beginning June 3 and continuing through the summer until July 26, the district’s free grab and go meals distribution will be available, according to the Alachua County Public Schools Food
Beach Safety Tips for This Summer
The beach can be a wonderful place to relax and unwind with the family, but it is always best to learn and practice beach safety to make sure your vacation goes on without a hitch! Here are some things to keep in mind when visiting the beach! First Aid Kit It is always good to
Learn How To Better Manage Your Stress During Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness Month – the perfect time to discuss stress management. Kids can often cause us stress, and we learn to deal with it, we adapt and grow to be able to manage that stress in healthy ways. However, we often overlook many other factors of stress in our life and don't
Gainesville Memorial Day Events and Activities
With Memorial Day weekend approaching, we have put together a list of Gainesville Memorial Day events and activities! Florida Folk Festival Friday, May 24 -Sunday, May 2610 a.m.Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park This three-day event celebrates the music, dance, stories, crafts and food that make Florida the place we love! There will be
The Annual Newberry Watermelon Festival is This Weekend!
The Newberry Watermelon Festival is an old tradition in Newberry, 79 years old to be exact! This year, the festival will held on  Saturday, May 18, as the small town comes together for the 79th time! At the Newberry Watermelon Festival, you can expect live entertainment, vendors, food trucks, kids' activities and lots of watermelons!
Jazz Up Your Grilled Cheese For Grilled Cheese Day!
Friday, April 12 is National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day! Instead of celebrating with your basic go-to grilled cheese, try one of these recipes for a twist on a classic! Guacamole Grilled Cheese Servings: 4 For the guacamole 3 avocadoes, peeled and pitted 1 ½ teaspoons salt 1 lime, juiced 5 cloves garlic, minced 2 small
Emotional Eating: What It Is and How to Avoid it
Bodies need nourishment. Food and water provide fuel for bodily processes and activities, and we must replenish our supply daily. Individual body makeup along with activity level determines what you need to sustain yourself and maintain a healthy weight. While we know intellectually that we need food to thrive, sometimes food can hold power over