The following information has been sent out to parents of children enrolled in Alachua County Public Schools regarding the instruction continuity plan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Per the Alachua County School Board: "Alachua County Public School families and staff: As we shared last week, Alachua County Public Schools has developed an Instructional Continuity
Alachua County “Bear Hunt” Adventures Bring Smiles During Social Distancing
Who wants to go on a "bear hunt" adventure? Alachua County local business centers and communities have organized their own "bear hunt" adventures to bring smiles to the faces of children while we practice social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Starting Saturday, March 28, participating business in the Tioga Town Center have placed stuffed teddy
Starbucks Is Offering Free Coffee to Front-Line Responders
Starbucks is offering free coffee to front-line responders to COVID-19. "Starting today through May 3, any customer who identifies as a front-line responder to the COVID-19 outbreak will receive a tall brewed coffee (hot or iced) at no charge," according to Starbucks Coffee Company. If you are healthcare worker, police officer, fire fighter, paramedic, doctor
Staff Picks: Best Games To Play With the Family While Quarantining
During this time of social distancing and self-quarantining, it's so easy to turn to our phones or the TV for entertainment instead of spending time with our family. It's time to stop and realize that we all can use this opportunity of the whole family being home with nowhere to go to our advantage! Enter:
How to Plan The Perfect Picnic
During this time of social distancing, we have been spending a lot of time inside. Before you feel cabin fever start to set in, plan the perfect picnic for you and your family! You can do this right in your back yard, or you can go to a local public park (most of them are
11 #Momlife Tweets That Are So Relatable Right Now
#MomLife is always crazy... but with the coronavirus disrupting everything around us, we have reached a new level of crazy! Here are some #MomLife tweets from moms that are going through the same thing you are. We are all in this together! 1. I guess we are homeschool teachers now? The #homeschool student satisfaction survey
The Do’s and Don’ts of a Stay-At-Home Order
A Stay-At-Home order can seem very scary at first, but don't worry! Here are the do's and don'ts of a Stay-At-Home order! DO'S: Go outside! Remember this isn't a lockdown. Go to the grocery story to get necessities! Don't forget to stock up on things that will last a while in pantry like canned tuna,
Lines Are Forming Outside of Stores Because of Stay-At-Home Order
With Alachua County's recent Stay-At-Home order that went into affect on March 23, stores are now limiting the amount of shoppers allowed into stores at one time. Lines are forming outside of stores because of this new rule. As frustrating at as it may be to have to stand in a line to get your
The 2020 Olympic Games Will Be Postponed Due To COVID-19
The International Olympic Committee and the Prime Minister of Japan concluded that the 2020 Olympic Games, set in Tokyo, Japan, will be rescheduled to next year due to the coronavirus pandemic. For more information, visit Related artcles: Closures And Event Updates For Alachua County Due To COVID-19 Updated 3/23 Patronize Local Restaurants for
Make A Banana Split Bar at Home!
Every child loves ice cream! Creating a banana split bar will put a smile on your kiddo’s face — especially when they can add all their favorite toppings and as much whipped cream as they want! Here is everything you will need for an at home banana split bar: Checklist: Ice cream (vanilla, chocolate and