Many women grew up believing that pregnancy is a time to take it easy, put your feet up on the couch and by all means avoid exercise. While sometimes the modern pregnant woman does need to put her feet up and relax, doctors are now encourage staying active during pregnancy and after. What are the
7 Aches & Pains of Pregnancy
As your home and heart are filled with the joyful anticipation of bringing a new life into the world, be informed on how your body may respond to this exciting change during pregnancy and what you can do to ease some of the discomforts. Restless Leg Syndrome RLS is the irrepressible need to move the
Understanding the Placenta
Pregnancy is a beautiful and exciting time in a woman’s life, but it can also be confusing and even scary for first-time expecting moms. We’re guessing you’ve stocked up on all the “What to Expect ...” types of books you can get your hands on, but even if you’re a mom-to-be who has no interest
Pregnancy and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
When we consider the aches and pains of pregnancy, we usually think about an aching back or swollen ankles. However, many women experience pain in an unexpected place: their wrists. Prevalence The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes defines carpal tunnel syndrome as “a common neurological disorder that occurs when the median nerve, which
Post C-Section Numbness
In 2016, the cesarean (C-section) delivery rate for births in the U.S. was 31.9 percent. approximately one in three women gave birth via C-section, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Many women prepare for side effects of labor and delivery, but women who give birth via C-section can expect different side effects
The Urge to Nest While Pregnant is Real
As you get closer and closer to the birth of your child, you may notice a sudden burst of energy and a strong need to clean and organize your home. Do not worry — you are not alone. A lot of women experience “nesting while pregnant” — an intense desire to get everything ready before
Pregnancy Tips From Real-Life Experiences
Warning, Read at Your Own Risk! Pregnancy Tips from Real Life Experiences You read all the books. You attended the classes. You took the hospital tour. But nothing can prepare you for having a baby like actually having the baby. Once you start swapping stories with fellow parents, chances are you will say “wow... I
How to Break Out of Adult Acne
Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought your teenage self must be looking back at you? You can thank adult acne for that. Unfortunately, acne, an inflammatory skin condition, is not just for kids! And even if you did not experience the teenage angst of a breakout, according to the American Academy of
Why Does My Baby Spit Up?
New moms be on notice... your baby will most likely spit up. It’s a fact of life. However, the good news is most of the time, it is completely harmless and the downside is it might require you to do a few more loads of laundry and have more burp cloths on hand. “Infants spit
Delayed Cord Clamping
The terrible twos, the angsty teens, the homesick college student. Parents often look to the clock to characterize the milestones in their children’s life. They spend 18 years nurturing their kin, desperate for them to grow out of their diaper stage yet dread them growing into their licensed-driver era. This time is important. It defines