Alachua County Public Schools will be providing meals to families over the summer now that school is officially out with the Free Summer Meals program. Beginning June 3 and continuing through the summer until July 26, the district’s free grab and go meals distribution will be available, according to the Alachua County Public Schools Food
Beach Safety Tips for This Summer
The beach can be a wonderful place to relax and unwind with the family, but it is always best to learn and practice beach safety to make sure your vacation goes on without a hitch! Here are some things to keep in mind when visiting the beach! First Aid Kit It is always good to
Gainesville Memorial Day Events and Activities
With Memorial Day weekend approaching, we have put together a list of Gainesville Memorial Day events and activities! Florida Folk Festival Friday, May 24 -Sunday, May 2610 a.m.Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park This three-day event celebrates the music, dance, stories, crafts and food that make Florida the place we love! There will be
The Annual Newberry Watermelon Festival is This Weekend!
The Newberry Watermelon Festival is an old tradition in Newberry, 79 years old to be exact! This year, the festival will held on Saturday, May 18, as the small town comes together for the 79th time! At the Newberry Watermelon Festival, you can expect live entertainment, vendors, food trucks, kids' activities and lots of watermelons!
Help Your Child Cope With Nighttime Fears
Monsters, darkness and ghosts are among the top 10 fears of children, according to “Fears Stress and Trauma: Helping Children Cope” by Edward Robinson. In his book, Robinson reports that these nighttime fears are a normal part of a child’s development. They typically start at a young age and may last until middle school. If
Fun Stay-At-Home Activities to Strengthen Your Toddler’s Motor Skills
There are many activities you can do while at home to help enhance your toddler's motor skills, which will help pave the way towards them being more independent. Every milestone is a triumph and as your child begins to advance their skills, you’ll see them improve in more ways than one – cognitively, socially and
Send Your Kiddos Back to School With Snacks for the Brainiac
We’ve all heard the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” While that may not be a particularly scientific analysis, science does suggest that frequently snacking on apples can help with brain development and learning! Their richness in antioxidants protects brain cells from damaging free radicals, and they offer a healthy alternative to
Middle School Success: Getting Your Middle Schooler Prepared
You have done the tours and you have met the teachers. Now, with only a few days to go until your kiddo’s first day of middle school, how do we parents make sure the transition from elementary school is a smooth one? Listen with intent Do not dismiss your child’s feelings. Going from the top
Is Your Child Being Exposed to Too Much Blue Light?
It’s a phone illuminating a dark bedroom. A tablet settled on a lap, casting a blue glow. Electronic devices surround our everyday lives. And for a child, it’s their greatest form of entertainment. But, are their eyes paying the price? In a world in which we schedule virtual work meetings and stream movies at a
3 Banana Smoothies Your Kiddos Will Love
Do you have a kiddo who absolutely refuses to eat their veggies? Have you tried everything in the book to make them tolerate the taste? Well, don’t fret! Try our three banana smoothies with a hidden veggie that your kids are sure to love! They’re easy, fruity and delicious! Green Machine Smoothie 1 ripe