Tips For Picking the Stroller That is Best for You!

By Nicole Irving, Publisher and Editor-In-Chief
picking a stroller

When I had my first baby shower, I remember opening the big clunky box that held my first stroller. It was a Graco combination, where the car seat fit right into the stroller, so you didn’t have to wake a sleeping baby to put him into the stroller. GENIUS! Fast forward 17 months and we welcomed baby #2, and this time, came a side-by-side Combi stroller, perfect for two little boys. And, then came our last little bundle and we broke out the single stroller again. We definitely have had our fair share of strollers through our kiddos’ first years and into toddler-hood. There are multiple things to consider when picking the stroller that is best for you!

Consider what you need it for

There are so many different varieties out there and for different needs. Are you going to be shopping, running or walking miles with it? Make sure the wheels are up to what you need, make sure that there is storage room if you are going to be taking things with you and make sure that the baby will be comfortable in it. Do you want cup holders, basket underneath, big sunshade for long walks outside? Take it all into consideration.

Make sure you can open it, close it, pick it up and put it in your car, ALONE!

This is huge. When picking the stroller, you will want to make sure that you can easily take it out of your car, open and close it, and put it back in your car, by yourself. Remember, if you have a big SUV, you will need to be able to lift it up. Also, if you have a smaller car, make sure it will fit in the trunk easily.

Do the walk test

Walk in the store with it. Make sure you like the way the wheels roll and where the handles are. If you are taller or smaller in height, make sure you can comfortably walk with it and that you are not hunched over or on your tippy toes.

How many do you need it for?

Even the most active of big brothers and sisters can get tired when a long day of Disney is ahead of them. So, if you have a baby and a toddler/kiddo who can easily be carried or sit in a stroller to take a breather, you may want to consider a double stroller. There are two kinds: side-by-side and front and back. The most important thing is to make sure it can fit through your doorways and that you are comfortable maneuvering and lifting it. They are bigger than a single, but can be a lifesaver!


A simple umbrella stroller, a quick and easy open and close for fast trips stroller, can start at $19.99 and a more luxury stroller can go up to $1,200 or more. So, keep in mind your budget when looking. If you want to have multiples to keep at grandparents house, it can certainly add up.

In addition to the stroller, there are some MUST HAVE accessories I highly recommend!

  • Toys that strap to the stroller
  • Attachable sunshade for walks
  • Purse/bag rings to hold your bag if the underneath is full or you don’t have a basket
  • Mosquito net for outdoor walks
  • Rain shield for outdoor walks
  • Tray for kids (If it doesn’t come with one)
  • Cup holders for you (If it doesn’t come with one)
  • Small battery operated fan with clip

And, some tips and tricks I learned along the way:

  • When you hang heavy things on the back, and the kids come out of the stroller, it will tip over. Be careful.
  • ALWAYS LOCK wheels. It will and can roll, with or without baby in it.
  • ALWAYS strap up baby in it and use the five-point harness it comes with. They can be sneaky and get out. If you need to, crisscross the five-point harness as well.
  • Always carry wipes with you to clean tray and stroller seats, even past diaper stage.
  • The bigger the basket, the better
  • They can get hot in the stroller, so best to make sure to always keep fresh flow of air and check on them all the time, especially during hot Florida summer days/nights.

Nuna Demi TM Grow Stroller

1. Nuna Demi TM Grow

The versatile Nuna DemiTM Grow has a swanky storage system, a Dream drape with a UPF 50+ canopy, large storage basket and more. In addition, it can expand to a double stroller with a customized attachment seat.


WonderFold W2 Stroller

2. WonderFold W2

The WonderFold wagon allows kiddos to have a full view of the world around them and has dual-facing seats. It has a five-point safety harnesses, removable fabric for easy cleaning and is durable for different types of terrain: the beach, the park, the zoo, etc! Made for children ages 6 months and up.

$389, Amazon, Walmart

Jeep Brand Sport Utility All-Terrain Jogger

3. Jeep Brand Sport Utility All-Terrain Jogger

This jogging stroller combines the comfort and convenience of a full-size stroller with the performance of a jogger. You can easily lock or unlock the front swivel wheel for all your adventures, either a fast jog or leisurely stroll. It has a lightweight aluminum frame that is easy to lift, a one touch cable lock system and can be used from newborn to toddler. In addition, it meets the Disney Size Requirements!


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